Nahúm Correa So Quotes

Intelligence is the ability to solve cause-effect problems.

The word Mathematics comes from the Latin Mathematica or from the Greek Mathema, which means knowledge and only with mathematics we can solve problems from their root cause, since they are the vehicle that will take us to the deep knowledge of the causes and effects of the millions of problems of 21st century society.

The MetroMatemáticas Method (sneaky Mathematics) teaches the mathematics backwards; it goes from the things of the real world that can be measured, and then goes back and discovers the mathematics that were created by the real world.

Mathematics is not created by man, rather, it’s created by the universe.

We are made in the image and likeness of the universe, that is, we are born with a potential to be human beings as intelligent as the universe.

Only with mathematics will we solve the cause-effect problems of the universe, and at the same time, we will develop our intelligence until we look more like him.


Nahum Correa